Thursday, July 14, 2011

To Blog or Not To Blog, That IS The Question.....

From the Hypnotist's Couch.....

On this life's journey, I am always surprised by how we can learn so much from those around, as well as our most simple experiences in life.  To many, so many days run together.  And, as we get older, it just seems like the days go more quickly, and the time in the day gets less and less.  We all seem to reminisce about times past, and how life just seemed more "simple" back when......

In retrospect, is it because life truly was more simple, back when we were young?  Is it because the technological advances of our day makes it appear that life today seems more stressful and time consuming? 

The truth is, as we age, we tend to maintain memories, feelings and emotions that clog up our memory banks.  We get weighed-down by the emotions and feelings that tend to soak up our energy and our optimism.  While they say "Time heals all wounds".  I believe that without proper "emptying" and clearing out these emotional and mental "trash bins", we tend to carry alot of garbage and baggage with us through life. 

Scientists often compare our minds to computers and rightfully so.  Computers are the closest hardwired object that acts very similar to our minds.  It was completely dreamed up and developed by human minds, so why would it not act as one?  Clearing memory banks in our minds, is much like clearing out the "cache" or cookies that can sometimes slow our computer or cause certain software to not work properly.

Several years ago, I had a client.  We had tried several techniques to deal with her stress, worries and concerns.  We were not making the progress that I would normally feel comfortable with.  I was prepared to tell her that if we did not achieve some success today with our session, that maybe she should look for another approach to deal with her issues.  But, I never had to tell her that, thankfully. 

I noticed that she was quite left-brained in her thoughts on life and approaches to applicable problems and stressors.  After reevaluating her job, and job description, I found that she worked with computers daily in her professional life.  Actually, she had been involved in programming and had a degree in computer science. 

I had already had a few semi-successful sessions with her, I was willing to try another approach, and it was time to get creative.  She was well conditioned, body and mind to go into a deep trance state.  I asked her, once in trance, to run a "virus check" on her mind.  I asked her to be thorough and quick.  I told her to isolate any and all bad memories, stressors and information that had become useless and outdated.  I told her to take as many minutes as needed, but not more than 20, as that would complete the process.  I also asked that when she was done with the task, to raise her left index finger. 

About 8 minutes later, her left index finger raised.  She had not moved.  There was no REM, nor any ideomotor responses during that period.  I asked her if she had thoroughly "virus checked" her memory banks, hard drive and all.  She nodded affirmatively.  I then asked her to erase and completely clear any and all unnecessary data, and any viruses that had been clogging her mind or her "system".  She lowered her head a bit more, continuing on with her eyes closed.  I asked her to again, raise her left index finger when completed. 

About 2 minutes passed, and she raised her left index finger.  I asked if the task had been completed.  She nodded affirmatively.  We spent a few more minutes with imagery and affirmations, as I wanted to make sure she kept the few good bits, and completely let go and erased any and all harmful "data".  I then brought her out of the trance state.  I asked her what she remembered.  She said she remembered very little, but felt much more "clear-headed".  I asked her if she understood or remembered any part of what she experienced.  She said she only felt "lighter and more optimistic". 

I asked her if she felt like we had made any progress.  And, with the first time I had ever seen her smile, she said "YES, I feel as though I am released from negative emotions and many of the things that hold me back." 

We made another appointment in two weeks.  It would be her last, until she encountered another issue that she felt would require my services.  In that last session, we also discussed how much her life had improved since that earlier session from two weeks prior.  She still claimed she had no idea what I had said or asked her to do, but she claimed that her optimism in life had returned, and that many of her co-workers, friends, family and peers had commented on her positive change.

She noted that she was sleeping better and more soundly at night.  She said she was awaking in the mornings more clear headed and optimistic.  She claimed that the negative thoughts that would often immediately "jump into" her optimistic path of thoughts, were gone.  She said that she had started exercising again, had lost 5 pounds and was eating healthier foods.  And, most noticeably, she was smiling when she explained all of this, which was only the second time I had seen her smile. 

She asked me what I had done in that previous session.  I explained to her, and her jaw dropped.  She claimed she would never have dreamed of something like that.  It was so "simple", she said.  But regardless, it had worked.  In that last session, I taught her how to do the same "virus check" and memory clearing, as she was already well conditioned to work on her own with self-hypnosis.  She was quite pleased, and seemed surprised that was really all the "hypnosis" and suggestion that had occurred to make such an impact on her life.  I explained that sometimes the simplest things are the most effective.  Even moreso, she was already "programmed" by her pre-existing life and lifestyle and thought processes.  We just had to remove the "obstacles" that stood in the way of the positive things she was wanting and capable of enjoying again.

Now, about every three months, I do a "virus check" on my own mind and body.  I clear out any and all "clogged", useless memories, and I isolate, then dispose of any negative thoughts that may hold me back.  I do a thorough "cleansing" of any toxins on my body and I refresh my memory banks, with healthy and positive ideas and optimistic thoughts.  It really does seem to work.......  And, I learned it all in one afternoon...  in working with a client.  You see, there ARE perks to my profession.

It's time for a cigar....

Blog to you soon...........  Christian.