Sunday, October 20, 2013

Creating Balance : (So, What's Your Sign?)

by Christian Flint

Over the years I have been somewhat interested in Astrology.  One of the most convincing arguments for me in believing more in Astrology was when I came across the standard (and seemingly reliable) definition of Libra, which is the star sign I belong to.  I found upon researching extensively that I am true in traits and style to the Libra characteristics.  It was uncomfortably accurate.

When most non-believers in Astrology read the various 12 star signs, they often conclude that any one of the definitions of characteristics and traits can belong to anyone.  They view it as though each definition is all-encompassing and could be considered accurate for all other signs.  While it is true, some star signs share some characteristics and traits with others, I maintain there is certainly some reliability and validity to the Astrology theory.

While there are many books by reliable and semi-reliable authors on the subject matter of Astrology, there still are solid historical records that have been standards for hundreds and even thousands of years.  The more historical the archive, generally the more accurate the information, in my findings. 
I certainly have never pushed my beliefs on anyone.  And most certainly, I have never tried to convince anyone that Astrology is perfectly reliable and accurate as a science necessarily.  But, I have brought about people's attention to their sign and the standard traits that are supposed to match.  I have been intrigued as I go through my family members and friends, noting their birthdates and how they certainly do often represent their respective star sign. 

Also, one must know that "traits" and "characteristics" are different than personalities.  One of the first things we must understand about Astrology is that it is not attempting to define a persons "personality".  It is much more accurate in defining the traits and characteristics of that person.  Once you understand that difference, it is usually easier to see the correlations.

For instance, a person might be an extrovert.  We might see them with a bubbly personality that often says things that only others might be thinking.  This is more of a personality style, than "traits" of the person. 

I have been able to see the traits and characteristics of people with the same star sign, while one was an extreme introvert and another (born two days apart) was an extreme extrovert.  To the common skeptic, the personality differences alone would cause them to cry "foul" on Astrology in general.  However, when I closely compared these two individuals' traits, they were surprisingly the same.  Both were clever, witty, charming, quick learners, slow to anger, devious (at times), stubborn, moody, calculating as well as many other traits and characteristics in common.  While these traits may have some impact on their personalities, it was not the cause of their personalities.  I am hoping now you can recognize more of the difference.

I told you all of that, to tell you this.......

As a Libra, our star symbol is the "scales".  We represent "balance".   And, it is true in fact, that when I am around other people, I often try to "balance" the conversation.  When amongst people arguing or disagreeing, I try to neutralize the disagreement and bring a peace and compromise between them.  When I investigate most anything, I tend to look at both sides of the argument; this includes politics, religion, business, and most anything that tends to have extremist views.  As well, I often put myself in other people's shoes, when considering their predicament or situation, before giving advice or possibly judging them unduly.  This is not intentional. This is truly a subconscious reaction and interaction on my part.  It tends to be innate and inherent in my traits and characteristics.  I was not raised to feel, believe or act this way.  But, I do.

As with any star sign, if you grow up with ONLY your personal traits and characteristics, you only know and understand those particular traits and characteristics which indwell in YOU.  Of course, to you, they will seem logical. They will seem rational.  This would make sense, as we see such extreme diversity in people, not only in our world, but even in our own neighborhoods.  One needs to look no further than social forums such as Twitter and Facebook these days, to see a strong diversity of opinions and personal preferences. 

And, when we do view these preferences and opinions of others, we often wonder how they could have ever reasoned their way through life to come to such unique and / or ignorant views and ideas (especially in todays world of extreme politics and religion).  By and large, Astrology could also explain why we do have such diversity of opinions and reasoning.  Even two people might have the exact same experience, but walk away with two different accounts of what happened.  Also, two people can hear the President of the United States speak, and walk away with two extremely different polarized opinions and interpretations of that exact same speech. 

Why is it that humans can be so incredibly diverse in their nature and views?  How is it that two humans can have totally different reactions even while receiving the exact same stimulus??

Answering these questions have been a part of my life for a long time.  As a Body / Mind Re-Educator, I often encounter people who are wrought with anxiety and problems: problems that often would not seemingly affect or harm other people.  And, it is my job to help them find resolution and / or solutions to those problems.

Also, I have the responsibility of creating self help products and therapeutic modalities that are developed to help most of the people, most of the time.  In handling this challenge, I have learned much more about human diversity.  It was a hurdle I never realized would be such a challenge when I first entered the professions in which I am involved.  And actually, this "hurdle" can often be a mountain of problems when I am working with a group of individuals and need to maintain a common ground with them to facilitate learning and change.

For the sake of creation, teamwork, understanding, professionalism and reaching goals, diversity amongst individuals can often be a good thing.  But, when it comes to bringing people together for social importance, responsible advocacy and accountability, diversity in humans and their unique reasoning can often become more harm than good.   This is much like our country today.  Instead of coming together to work on problems, Americans sub-group together only to blame others for the problems that our country and even our culture is suffering through.  Our country and culture now seems to be much more about blaming and anger than about finding solutions and working together for a greater good.

Again, I point out, that there must be a cause for such isolation of individual thinking as well as extremist polarizations and views of groups and sub-groups.

I use the previous sentence to make a point of how, even in desperate times, humans tend to hold on to their own hard-core perspectives, without opening their minds to any other thought or explanation, other than what they were brought up to believe / think.   As well, all of their life experiences somehow gets "filtered" into their own personalized unique ideology.  And, and anyone that challenges their belief or opinion only makes that particular human more entrained, loyal and committed to their personalized viewpoint, regardless of the logic, facts and reasoning presented that can dispel or disqualify their specialized point of view.

Is this mental deficiency?  Or, is this just human nature?  IS this normal?  Should this be normal?  At what point did personal opinion take precedence over facts, logical and rational thought?
As you can probably relate, you know of people in your own life now, that often cling to their own personal belief systems, even though there is no sane or logical reason for it.  As a society, we accept them.  In some cases, we feed their dysfunction and even give respect for their "freedoms" of opinion.

So, now we reach my dilemma.  Welcome to my world of research and work.  I develop and create self help products, do consultation and teach personal empowerment to people from all walks of life.
 And, as a "Libra", I find it validating and rewarding to help anyone overcome the obstacles that hold them back from achieving their goals and dreams.  I accept people from all walks of life.  And, I have learned even moreso to appreciate the diversity of the individuals of which I work.   And, creating happiness, satisfaction, improvement and "balance" in a persons life, is my primary duty.... and passion.

Until next time....................