Saturday, June 23, 2012

How Important Is Your Sleep??

by Christian Flint

As someone who has worked in the Health Care Industry as well as someone who regularly consults people on their personal health and success in life, I can not begin to to tell you how vital your sleep really is.  We spend one-third of our life sleeping.  Some people a little more, some a little less.  But the truth is, past and current research in sleep health shows that your body and mind require about 8 hours a day of sleep for optimum health and performance.

Research today concludes that trying to find ways around quality sleep is detrimental to your health overall.  While there are some people that can get 4 - 6 hours of quality sleep and feel refreshed and awake, there are multitudes that can get a full 8 hours or more of sleep regularly and not feel awake and refreshed upon waking.

Realize first, that regardless of whether you have sleep difficulties or not, you require regular sleep for optimum health.  Trying to circumvent healthy sleep and rest can almost guarantee mental, physical and / or emotional health problems later on.  And, the more your fight it, the worse the effects can be.  

Those who insist they perform well regularly in life without adequate sleep generally are fooling themselves.  Tests show that lack of sleep has the same effect on people that are under the immediate influence of alcohol or drugs.  The person has the perception at the moment that they are performing well.  But, in clinical trials, someone who lacks sleep often performs the same as someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol.  Sleep deprivation not only harms you physically but it also distorts your perceptions and memory.

Psychologically, one of the most interesting facets of mental health is the required neurochemicals that you create and secret in your routine day.  Lack of sleep can often inhibit or cause an increase in the manufacturing of these neurochemicals.  With this chemical imbalance, people will begin to force their normal cognitive behaviors as well as their thought process to appear normal.  In reality, the attempt at forcing yourself to think, look and act normal while being sleep deprived is only creating improper neuromotor pathways that can conflict with your mental and physical health.

Sleep impairment is directly related to many serious components of your health such as:
  • Increase in Stress / Anxiety
  • Weakening the Immune System
  • Direct Impairment of Your Senses (i.e. vision, taste, smell, touch, hearing)
  • Sugar Imbalance (diabetes or hypoglycemia)
  • Organ Functioning (liver impairment, gastrointenstinal issues, skin health, etc.)
  • Depression
  • Memory / Recall
  • Mood Stabilization
  • Physical Performance

This is only a partial list, but you can obviously see that healthy sleep deprivation can impair your quality of life and overall functioning.

Sleep is probably one of the most commonly overlooked problems in health today.  Doctors and health care practitioners often overlook or neglect to investigate your sleep health and sleep practices.  While they know the vital information I listed above, most practitioners take for granted that you ARE taking care of yourself when it comes to sleep and getting healthy, restful sleep routinely.  They often base their consultation and diagnosis as if you know how to manage your sleep health.  But, do you really?

I have recently put together a Two-Disc set Audio Program that can greatly assist you with falling asleep and staying asleep.  Whether you have severe sleep disturbances or not, this program not only educates you on obtaining quality and restful sleep, it also gives you two tracks that can assist you in developing deeper, restful sleep night after night.

Quality sleep is vital for your overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.  Without proper sleep and rest, it is only a matter of time before your health declines prematurely and you are having to take many more steps to help your health problems.  Why not take a natural and preventative step in helping yourself now?

With regular quality sleep, not only will you feel better, you will look younger and more vibrant.  You will enjoy your days more, you will lead a more fulfilling life.  And, you will FEEL much better as a result.  Sleep is one aspect of your life that you can impact and truly help yourself.  Why not start now?

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NEW Deep, Restful Sleep Products NOW AVAILABLE on!!  
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