Wednesday, June 5, 2013

What is the Meaning of Life??

by Christian Flint

From the HypnoTherapist's Couch

I recently began working with a new client.  As usual, I ask all new clients to fill out a questionnaire that describes goals they would like to achieve as well as any issues they may want to overcome.  Once we were on the phone for the first time, I noted to her that she had a large list of Goals. I asked her to be more specific and prioritize.

She laughed nervously and thought for a minute.  After a few moments, I rephrased my question more so and asked.  "If we had to tackle one problem or answer one question in your life right now, what would it be?"  Again with a nervous laugh, she immediately responded, "What is the meaning of life!?"
Certainly, her question was rhetorical and facetious, but I was happy she asked.  As this would be the starting point for what work we would do together. 

This is not the first time this question has been presented to me.  As well, it has been asked of me many times with different intent and purpose.  And, for years, it perplexed me like it does most people. 

But, as I have gotten older and wiser, I have dealt with a myriad of human complexities.  I have dealt with many people who have "lost their way in life".  That is often a reason why people turn to me.  And, it is best to hear answers and new ideas from someone who is objective and with a fresh perspective.

My client was surprised that I had an answer ready for her. 

I revealed to her that the "Meaning of Life" is not in a question.  It is more about what we will do with our life.  You see, the Meaning of Life is more about what meaning that we give our life.  We often search fruitlessly through life, trying to understand "why we are here" and what is life really about.  But, after observing humans and what we can accomplish within our lifespan, I truly believe that we are wasting time waiting for an "Answer".

You have the answer.  You ARE the answer.  It is up to you to give meaning TO your own life.  It is up to you to embrace what you have and what you have been given.  It is up to you to grow yourself.  Much like a plant, we cannot grow without being planted firmly in nutritious soil, getting fresh water regularly and healthy sunlight.  I doubt a plant ponders its own existence.  But, a plant wastes no time in absorbing rich nutrients from the soil, soaking up the fresh water and basking in what sunlight is offered. 

It is up to us to enrich ourselves.  It is up to us to make decisions and move forward.  If we sit and wait for arbitrary answers to questions like these in life, then we spend our time waiting and not "doing". 

After a few sessions with this client, I finally had her do a homework assignment that I sometimes ask of clients who are struggling with identity issues.  I asked her to write her own obituary and describe her life in a way that she would be happy to live and fulfill. 
I'll share with you what she wrote (by permission): 

"Here lies before you the body of Sharon (omitted).  She had three lovely children which she poured her heart and soul into for the first part of her life.  After pondering and searching for the meaning of life for the first half, she finally discovered that it was up to her to give her life meaning for the second half.  She realized that life is much more fulfilling when we stop waiting for answers, and just start living.  She realized living in fear and worry is a slow and painful death.  So, she chose to live everyday as a new beginning.  Sharon learned that she needed to be good for herself before she could be good for anyone else.  Learning that she can help herself and love herself was the greatest gift she ever received."

You see, everyone is on their own journey in life.  Sometimes we can get sidetracked.  Sometimes we reach one destination, only to set another course for a new goal.  And, sometimes we never really got started on that journey in the first place.  We can never reach our destinations until we take the first step.   
Certainly, we are not done with my client's goals.  But, this is a great start in understanding one of the most important questions we ask ourselves in life.  We can choose to wait for an answer, or we can just start living.  The choice is yours.

It's time for a cigar....  and, until next time.

"Design Your Mind"

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